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April 09, 2007
Free Stuff! The AoS Lifestyle Comes To Blogging!
Hi kids.
Remember how a couple of weeks ago, I said that I'd have a big announcement next week? (Which is now last week, but never mind that.)
Well, I have this new blogging system up and running over at mee.nu, and I'm looking for some beta testers.
The deal is this: If you participate in the beta program, you get a blogging account with at least 1GB of disk space and 10GB of monthly bandwidth, for free, for as long as you want it. No ads, no fees, just you and your blog.
You don't have to be very technical to take part in the beta; you just need to be willing to poke around a bit and let me know if things break, or if you can't work something out.
The system is up and running right now for blogging - I've been using it for my blog two months now - though there are lots more features planned, and the documentation is... Pretty sparse. I'll be spending most of this week adding more documentation, so that should improve rapidly. We'll be adding features for creating your own forums, hosting podcasts, photo albums (I have a post up showing some of the photo album features), and lots more.
This is the system that all the munu blogs will be moving to soon, including this one, so you can actually get it before Ace does. :)
Drop me a line at beta -at- mee -dot- nu and I'll send you a beta key. Then you just need to go over to mee.nu and register.
Update: Ran through the first batch of keys pretty quick. I've created another batch of keys, and I'll pick up again with the emails in the morning (it's just past midnight here in Sydney). We still have places free, so don't hesitate to ask.

posted by Pixy Misa at
04:18 AM
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