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April 04, 2007
Iranian-Bought Sniper Rifles Somehow Wind Up Killing Coalition Troops In Basra
I'm stumped as to how this could possibly have happened. If Teheran bought them, how on earth did they find their way into the hands of a lethal terrorist sniper in Iraq?
I call shenanigans on this story. It just plum don't make no sense.
Three British soldiers have been killed by single shots in the past six weeks - two of them in the last two days - and five injured.
The marksman is believed to be using a powerful rifle which can penetrate body armour.
Insurgents in Iraq are believed to have got hold of more than 100 Austrian sniper rifles which had been sold to Tehran.
A senior Army officer recently backed claims by local leaders that Iranian agents are paying Iraqi men in Basra £250 a month to attack UK troops. Iranian security forces are believed to have infiltrated the city.
Thanks to dri.