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March 29, 2007
Kay Bailey Hutchinson Introduces DC-Gun-Ban Repeal
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) introduced the District of Columbia Personal Protection Act of 2007, a bill to restore Second Amendment rights in Washington, D.C.
“The constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens do not end when they cross into the borders of the District of Columbia,” said Sen. Hutchison.
“The gun ban has been proven ineffective by the trend of increased violent crime in the District. The citizens of Washington, D.C., deserve to have the same right to defend themselves and their families in their homes that lawful Americans enjoy.
“This requires both a legislative and judicial remedy. I hope the Parker case goes before the Supreme Court and that the court asserts that the right to bear arms is an individual, and not a collective, right as the D.C. Circuit and Fifth Circuit Courts have affirmed.”
Instapundit snarks that perhaps Jim Webb will consider cosponsoring the legislation. Can his executive assistant cosponsor? He already seems to be observing the not-yet-passed law.
Instapundit's emailers rap James Webb for shoddy gun safety.