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February 23, 2007
Is Hillary! Outright Buying Endorsements From Black South Carolina Pols?
Captain Ed writes, "Rarely has bagman politics been played out so publicly. It's a measure of the Democratic Party that Hillary feels comfortable enough to think she will get away with it."
She may think that, but she won't. She's all done. Gone. Toast. There is no terribly good reason to not nominate Obama, and a lot of good reasons not to nominate Hillary!
Let's face it-- she was given a Senate seat by Clinton-loving Democrats basically as a thank-you for keeping quiet during Zippergate and thus keeping their boy in office. But that was a long time ago, and there have been plenty of newer, bigger partisan fights since then. There are new heroes in the Democratic pantheon, like Jim Webb, (God help us) Harry Reid, and of course the eventual Democratic nominee, Barack Obama.
I really don't think the Democratic Party, which never particularly liked Hillary! (as no one in the world particularly likes Hillary!), still feels enough gratitude for stuff that happened a decade ago to give her the nomination despite, you know, the fact that she's basically just a dick.
Man, must she be hating those leaked Jack Ryan divorce papers right about now.
Whoops! Captain Ed's update, linking to this Powerline entry, notes that Obama tried buying support too -- he just got outbid.
What a racket.
I've got to start a big black church and start gettin' me that crazy paid-endorsement money.