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February 16, 2007
Howard Kurtz Profiles Michelle Malkin, Cartoon Character
She brings all this heat on herself.
And who did Kurtz call for comment? Anyone on the right at all, apart from Bryan (her partner) and her husband?*
No, just a bunch of liberals. Oh, and for balance: the very conservative Andrew "Heart-Ache" Sullivan.
Sullivan suggests that the hate-mail Malkin receives is just the chickens coming home to roost-- hmmm, I wonder if he similarly believes his own hate-mail, filled with fag slurs and references to his "milky-load" personal ads, are really just his own chickens returning to roost?
Even more surprising is his charge that what she writes is often "disgraceful" or "so out there." Because, you know, the even-keeled Sullivan never writes anything "disgraceful" or "so out there" as to border on early-onset dementia. Or does he?
* Corrected: I originally he didn't contact anyone at Hot Air. He did, quoting Bryan. But then, the only pro-Malkin quotes come from people who are obliged to defend her -- her business partner, her husband, and she herself.
Apparently she's only got two fans in the world. Who knew?
The Nutroots Reacts: Links at LGF.
Michelle keeps being blamed for unhinged shut-ins writing unhinged hate-mail to the left.
It's me. I'm writing them all. So stop blaming Michelle.
Suck the barbed cock of Satan,
Your buddy,