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February 13, 2007
Bonus: Giuliani Rips Gore On Global Warming... For Being Too Moderate On The Issue
Actually, that's a bit of an overstatement; he's criticizing Gore for lacking the "zeal" to fight the "special interests" on Global Warming -- e.g., activists who childishly block the endlessly renewable, carbon-neutral energy source we know as "nuclear power" (though he doesn't mention nuclear power explictly here. He knocks An Inconvenient Truth for lacking any real solutions, or discussing clean coal and ethanol.
And that's sensible enough. Even by global-warming-alarmist standards, Gore's presentation seems childish.
Still-- the rhetoric of it. Much of it is sensible*, but there's just something odd about Giuliani trying to run to Al Gore's left on global warming.
Who knows. Maybe it's actually brilliant.
Via Michelle Malkin.
* At least "politically sensible." It's just the case that almost all of the political class, especially those seeking national office, have to at least pay lip service to the theory of man-made global warming. Even Bush has "finally" admitted it exists, and has, in fact, "finally" admitted to this "fact" multiple times since 2001.
Ted Olson Endorses Rudy: Nice enough:
The support of Olson should help Giuliani in his quest to win over social conservatives who remain skeptical of his pledge to appoint strict constructionist judges.
"I've known him for 26 years and we've talked about this many times," Olson said. "He feels very strongly that people like Justice Scalia, Chief Justice Roberts, Sam Alito, Clarence Thomas, are the type of people that he would put on the court…I'm quite convinced that this is a genuine viewpoint that he has."
When asked about differences conservatives have with Giuliani on issues such as abortion and gay rights, Olson said: "Rudy's views on many, many issues are going to be very compatible with people in the conservative political community and the political legal community. Nobody's going to be able to find a candidate with whom they agree with 100 percent on every issue. Overall, Rudy's strength of character, his capacity for leadership in a time when a strong executive is important, his energy level, his ability to provide the kind of leadership that Ronald Reagan did -- I think that is going to be very persuasive with conservatives."
I have to repeat, again, that pro-lifers do seem willing to give Rudy a chance, so long as he continues repeating the mantra of Scalia, Alito, and Thomas. I didn't expect the pro-life right to be assuaged by this, so this is just some damnably remarkable good fortune for Giuliani.
And yet these unforced errors on other matters... embracing Bush/McCain style amnesty with no fence, talking up gun control at the federal level, which even Barney Freakin' Frank tries to avoid.... I guess Giuliani thought that with the religious conservatives giving him an extraondinary pass on abortion, things were turning out not challenging enough for him, so he's decided to try to make it interesting again.
Actually... On this video, I'm not coming around closer to "brilliant." Well, not brilliant, but very crafty.
Why shouldn't Al Gore and the environinnies be put on the defensive for their utter childishness? They seem to have only one answer to solving the world's energy needs -- magic beans.
If a politician is forced to address an issue -- and obviously Giuliani is so compelled -- why the hell not go on the attack with it? Why not expose Al Gore for the huckster he is and demand he offer some genuine solutions?
Other criticisms still intact, though.