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February 12, 2007
Gore Demands Sun Produce More Carbon-Neutral Cosmic Rays
A major book finds that cosmic rays create clouds, which, in turn, reflect the sun's warming light back into space. Fewer cosmic rays equal fewer clouds and hence rising temperatures.
Unanswered is how SUV's are influencing the sun to lower its cosmic ray emissions.
The controversial theory comes one week after 2,500 scientists who make up the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change published their fourth report stating that human carbon dioxide emissions would cause temperature rises of up to 4.5 C by the end of the century.
Mr Svensmark claims that the calculations used to make this prediction largely overlooked the effect of cosmic rays on cloud cover and the temperature rise due to human activity may be much smaller.
He said: "It was long thought that clouds were caused by climate change, but now we see that climate change is driven by clouds.
"This has not been taken into account in the models used to work out the effect carbon dioxide has had.
"We may see CO2 is responsible for much less warming than we thought and if this is the case the predictions of warming due to human activity will need to be adjusted."
Mr Svensmark last week published the first experimental evidence from five years' research on the influence that cosmic rays have on cloud production in the Proceedings of the Royal Society Journal A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. This week he will also publish a fuller account of his work in a book entitled The Chilling Stars: A New Theory of Climate Change.
A team of more than 60 scientists from around the world are preparing to conduct a large-scale experiment using a particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland, to replicate the effect of cosmic rays hitting the atmosphere.
They hope this will prove whether this deep space radiation is responsible for changing cloud cover. If so, it could force climate scientists to re-evaluate their ideas about how global warming occurs.
Yeahhh... I wouldn't count on that.
In related news, the Academy Award Committee has just nominated Cosmic Rays for the Irving G. Thalberg Lifetime Achievement Award.
From Drudge: Czech president calls global warming a myth and questions Al Gore's sanity.
Politicizing Science: The left doesn't seem to mind shutting up scientists who disagree with them. A campaign is underway to strip an Oregon climate-change skeptic of his unofficial title of state's official climatologist.
I know that unofficial/official thing doesn't make sense. Apparently Oregon did at one time have such a post, but no longer does. However, a college in Oregon granted him a post which has been called the equivalent. The left of the blogosphere pounced on the error of calling him the official state climatologist, and appears to be right.
But they're still trying to punish up by taking away a respected college title.
Shut up, they explained.