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February 12, 2007
Chicago Tribune's Useless Steve Chapman: Giuliani Supporters Are All Faggots
Via Althouse, who digests Chapman's piece as "Hey, no fair nominating such a strong candidate."
He seems to be using the Fag-Fu Jujuitsu defense:
The GOP has morphed from a party that reveres limited government to a party that is girlishly infatuated with executive authority.
In other words, if you prefer an executive who shows strength, that means you're really a homo because you lack that strength yourself and need the Big Strong Arms of a Take-Charge Executive wrapped around you. You also, probably, enjoy Feeling The Weight Of A Muscular Executive on you, too.
Meanwhile, if you prefer a weak, namby-pamby executive, endlessly kowtowing to tyrants and negotiating with terrorists, that proves how darned strong you are, because your fundamental heterosexual big-cock-a-swingin' might is enough for both you and your government as well. When the government feels a little down, you'll manfully offer it your varsity sweater. And then, you know, bang the shit out of it.
The overcompensation is similar to the leftroots' frequent cry that they're all too gosh-darn manly and tough, strong to take terrorism seriously. It's the rightwing pansies who crap themselves over silly little things like the SkyBomb conspiracy.