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February 02, 2007
Hillary Clinton: I Strongly Favor "Engaging" Iran, Though "I'm Not Sure That's The Smartest Strategy To Take"
More nuance.
So she's advocating a position designed to appeal to the anti-war hard left of her base -- appease Teheran -- while imagining she can placate the pro-Israel "New York Money Men" audience she was addressing by acknowleging her favored position is, basically, fucking retarded.
She actually triangulated mid-sentence. Beat that, Bill.
She learned much from Arafat. Including, of course, the pleasures of woman-on-woman love.
Did I say "learned from"? I meant "taught."
Vote Hillary! in '08
Even though I'm not sure that's the smartest strategy to take.
"Leadership" By Eternal "Listening:" Drew observes that Hillary! seems to think the Presidency will pretty much be another four or eight years of college, with lots of exciting electives:
She called for a better understanding of how Iran "really functions"...
Is this just another version of the Hillary listening tour? First New York, then America and if elected, The World!
At some point, doesn't she have to stop "listening"/"learning" and start "talking"/"leading"?
More... She thinks we should also have a tea-time tete-a-tete with Hamas and Hezbollah.
Greg Tinti wonders: Why not Al Qaeda too, since we're going to be little Gabby McChatterboxes with so many other terrorists?