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January 25, 2007
Study: People Spend More Time With Computers Than Spouses
Well... okay, but only because half of their days are spent away from home, at work, on the computer. At home, as regards free time? I doubt very much that this is true.
The survey found 65 percent of respondents spent more time with a computer than with their spouse or significant other.
But the thing is: it's fake but accurate. People do spend too much time on the computer, I think. Not everyone, but a lot. Almost to the point of excluding their loved ones.
Unless you consider "mikey" a loved one.
But what the hell can this finding possibly mean?
A majority of Americans (52%) describe their most recent experience with a computer problem as one of anger, sadness or alienation.
First: if it's an "experience with a computer problem," what the hell kind of feeling are people supposed to have? Jubillation? Coquettish insouciance?
Second: Alienation?
From what?
Jaglesh at customer service?
Thanks to carl carlson.