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January 22, 2007
Jimmy Carter Set To Star In Teen Angst Series, "My So-Called Holocaust"
Gateway Pundit has a video of Jimmy Carter calling the Holocaust the "so-called Holocaust."
Now, in fairness, Carter states that this was one of the greatest crimes in human history, and that it was Hitler's plan to exterminate the Jews by mass-murder, etc.
So he's not saying "so-called Holocaust" in the usual way it's used, i.e., to deny the Holocaust, or, worse yet, to admit this all actually happened but question whether it was a bad thing or not. (As I learned from, I think, Mara Liason on Brit Hume: Abu Abbas is rightly called a "Palestinian moderate," despite the fact he's a Holocaust denier. In many Arab countries, the "moderates" are the Holocaust deniers. The non-moderates are the Holocaust enthusiasts.)
Still, the fact that this locution springs to his mind while speaking extemporaneosly kind of suggests who he's been reading and talking to of late, no?
A So-Called "Photoshop:"
Thanks to Rosetta.