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December 06, 2006
Baker Group: We Must Give More To Iran In Return For Its Complete Defeat Of US
Does anyone get what the hell talking to Syria and Iran could possibly accomplish?
If the war in Iraq is truly lost, then fine -- it's lost. Then let's get out, but let's keep open the option of attacking the malignant cancer of Iran. Only James Baker could figure out a way to not only lose a war he believes is lost, but compound that loss by furthermore making the appeasement of the world's most dangerous state a further insult to our injury.
We've known he was going to call for this for a while. So I've already addressed this stupidity.
Can someone please explain to me how the US benefits by rewarding Iran further for its unending support of terrorism against us in Iraq?
I've never heard anything so stupid in my life. We lose a big prize to Iran, and Baker's advice is to offer even bigger prizes to Iran for helping kill 2800 of our soldiers?
Or is it just that Baker wants to see Israel crushed, and figures this is as good a time as any to help the Arab terrorists wipe it off the map?
The fact that Bush is even giving this report the happy-talk treatment disgusts me.
I hate to repeat myself, but I have to. If Iran has defeated us in Iraq, then "talking to them" is merely adding an armistace and recognition of their conquest via a treaty, when the proper response is a cold war and the threat of retaliation to come later.
Baker wants us to recognize Iran's victory by formal treaty. Why? What possible good could that do us?
We don't need Iran's help to have a defeat in Iraq. We already have that, if we so choose. Why is it necessary to further appease Iran to gain its "help" in executing our defeat neatly?
Fucking old senile bastard.
Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi's new Intelligence Committee Leader actually is calling for 20,000 to 30,000 additional troops to help defang the Iran-armed militias.
Isn't that an odd response? Actually trying to win a war rather than granting the enemy concessions on top of a formal surrender?
I guess that doesn't fit in with the Baker school of "realism" (i.e., sucking up to Arabs, helping Iran gain an atomic bomb, using the power of the US to help destroy the beleagured state of Israel.