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December 01, 2006
Democrats To Slash Missile Defense Budget In Favor of "Faith-Based Missile Defense"
This has long been one of the most bizarre articles of faith among liberals -- that a purely defensive system to stop the incineration of entire cities is morally wrong.
Don't buy the various claims they make about the system not working or being too expensive or, strangest of all, it being "destabilizing." Wouldn't want to "destabilize" that carefully-calibrated Balance of Terror in our favor or anything. As can "can't work," it can, and elements of the system work even now. As for too expensive -- well, how much is Los Angeles worth, exactly? Seems to me it's pretty pricey, and would be difficult to replace.
The liberals are committed to spending trillions to stave off a farfetched threat of losing ten meters of shoreline, but won't spend a penny to defend against an increasingly-likely attack against the US via missile.
We can simply use a smile as our nuclear umbrella. This Ahmadinejad -- he's a reasonable fellow. He can be negotiated with. Just like The Humungous in Road Warrior.
Read all about it.