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It's Official: Exit Polls Are Way Off »
November 07, 2006
A Word To Arizona (And Montana, Idaho, and Colorado)
Whatever happens, AZ conservatives have to turn out to vote. Some polls show John Kyl with only a slight lead. Others show him more comfortably ahead, but there is some chance he could lose.
If dispirited Republicans decide not to vote in AZ, they just might turn a Senate retention into a Senate loss by giving up a seat that could have, and should have, been won.
Whatever happens anywhere, we need to keep that Arizona seat.
Don't be put off by claims that "it's over." It's not over -- they sort of have to actually count votes before it's over (and, in some cases, count them several times).
Don't be a sap and fall into the trap of staying home just because Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann told you to.
ALF Reminds Me... the same is true of Idaho, Colorado, and of course Montana, where Burns could still win.
Video of FoxNews All-Stars On Exit Polls: Skepticism -- because they're wrong.
"Presidential-year level turnout," the White House is saying, as regards Republican counties.
Real Numbers... Suggest that tonight may not be all that bad.
Sodrel in Indiana was said to be a Rep to watch for. If he lost, then it was a harbinger of a big Democrat night.
He was on the endagnered list. Hostetltler was said to be toast, and pretty much a gimme pickup for Dems. (Which it looks like will prove to be the case.)
The question came with the other three endangered IN Rep's, and Sodrel was named as one to look out for.
I think he was rated as a toss-up.
The point is, he's not being clobbered, which is what would be expected if the exit polls were accurate.
At the current moment, he's tied 48-48 with 21% in. Not winning, of course, and he could still lose. But if this is a harbinger contest, the only harbinger harbinged is a very close election, where toss-ups can go either way -- and not just, as the "Big Blue Wave" requires, almost all in a Democratic direction.
Update: Hostettler Down. But, again, this was a gimme, one of those ten or so seats virtually conceded as lost.