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November 05, 2006
ABCNews Illustrates 5-Year-Unemployment Low With Photo Of... A McDonald's
How... utterly expected. They simply will not drop their claim that the only jobs being created are "burger-flippin'" jobs at Mickey D's.
Is it really possible that McDonald's corporation has added almost seven million new burger-flippers over the past four years?
According to ABCNews: Yes, that's pretty much the size of it.
They also wait until the 25th paragraph to note that October's not-quite-stellar jobs additions wer offset by large upward revisions in the August and September figures.
Plus, BizzyBlog honors me by spreading one meme of mine beyond this site. The one that points out that every positive economic report during the Clinton Administration was accompanied by a dramatic montage of cash registers busily opening and closing, the end of the day bell ringing at the NYSE with traders shouting with joy, and the Treasury's printing presses whirring to create new currency. (That last one may not really make any sort of sense, but it does convey visually, potently that "We all gots more money! Whoo-hoo! Why, the Treasury can hardly keep up with all the new money we're making!!!")
And to illustrate the great economic news during the Bush regime?
Ronald McDonald and his french-fry grease vats.