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October 13, 2006
New Diplomatic Failure: Iowahawk
Threatens Nuclear Annihalation, Noogies
I didn't excerpt the funniest stuff. Worth a visit.
The aim of the Iowahawk nuclear fireworks program is clear: to contribute to defending the peace and stability all about the blogosphere, and the area around it, if the blogosphere knows what is good for it. And what is good for blogosphere is also clear: more linky-linky for Iowahawk.
For too long the bellicose agressors of international blog "A list" gangstery -- Instanpundit, Blair, NRO, LGF, Ace of Spades, Hewitt, Malkin, Taranto, Allah, and their running-blog puppet lackeys -- have sabotaged progess and prosperity and page views of Iowahawk and the developing blogosphere by denying him rightful links and tip jar revenues. Be on notice, the day of your comeuppance has finally up-come, for today we possess the tools to thwart your frantic and silly attempts to stifle us!
Judging by the trackbacks, his plan works.
You, our thoughtful readers (morons) may well ask why AOSHQ is succombing to such obvious link-extortion and thuggery. Or as you might phrase it, "Unh?"
Let's just say that Ace had a whole bag of low-carb candy last night and is feeling somewhat....flammable.
Thanks to Hollowpoint.
posted by Laura. at
09:52 AM
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