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September 25, 2006
The AZ "Memorial:" Now Michelle Malkin's On It
They just needed a nudge.
I think there was memorial burn-out after the "Crescent of Embrace" affair in Shanksville, causing some people to turn off to this story. But when you've got the leftwing, MoveOn.org-approved, anti-American sloganeering shown in the pics at Michelle's and at HotAir, you really don't need a protractor, compass, and polar-projection map of the earth to see what's wrong with this "memorial."
Len Munsil, Republican candidate for governor, will have a press conference tomorrow, and will play the audio of Gov. Napolitano's (D) exuberant praise of the "educational" anti-American "memorial."
Napolitano has, last I checked, a significant lead over Munsil. We'll see if this changes the dynamic. She's either going to have to confess error or defend the memorial; either way she loses.
What was she thinking?
I don't think she was thinking. I think she made a Kinsley gaffe on this, defined as "a mistaken utterance or action which actually reveals what a politician truly believes."