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September 21, 2006
Here is an Anniversary worth Celebrating! [Jack M.]
You know, I didn't realize until I was clicking around on their website earlier (and I haven't been watching much tv the past week so if they have been making a big deal about it I haven't seen it) but this is apparently a very special week.
It's FoxNews 10th Anniversary!
Man, has it really been 10 years since Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes brought fair and balanced news onto the cable networks?
It seems like just yesterday that Ted Turner and CNN had a monopoly on 24 hour television news, and a complete stranglehold on "framing the debate". Geez...doesn't that seem as dated as a Yakov Smirnov "Soviet Russia" routine now? Come to think of it, CNN often seems like "Soviet Russia" too.
But today? Thanks to the good people at Fox, good newsmen like former-employee Tony Snow, David Asman, Chris Wallace, Linda Vester, Juliet Huddy and current "anchor" Brit Hume have had an outlet offered to them that might otherwise not have existed.
And America is better for it.
It's not for nothing that Fox soon found itself at the top of the ratings. And, it's not for nothing that they have steadily maintained that position.
The hottie Anchorwomen didn't hurt either.
Does anyone have a favorite FoxNews moment (Besides the first time you laid eyes on Laurie Dhue)? [And no, you can't cite Ace's appearance either, kiss-ups!]
I think mine goes back to the 2000 election. Fox was the first of the nets (as I recall) to change Florida from Gore to Bush, while running the "Bush Elected President" graphic and the resulting images from the Bush supporters gathered in Austin, Texas were fantastic. As was the elation I felt.
Feel free to share any Fox memories you have in the comments.
And may you have many more happy anniversaries to come Fox.