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FireDogLake To Black Bloggers: Mind Your Tongue When Speaking To "Your Betters" �
September 19, 2006
Thai Coup Update
Start with Publius Pundit.
If you want more, check out Bangkok Pundit, blogging from the eye of the storm.
Reading Bangkok Pundit, this wasn't about "corruption," either. It's about the fact that the military doesn't like the current elected government, which was likely to be re-elected in November or so. They call this situation -- with a party they don't like retaining power -- a "political gridlock" and a "lack of democracy."
The military coup'ists also seem to be going on and on about protecting the king from usurpations by the elected government.
Also, they toss in "fragmented" social order for good measure. Three vague reasons for a coup do not add up to one decent reason.
Odd: the political party formerly in control is named "Thais Love Thais."