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September 19, 2006
Andi: Bush Has No Sept. 11th Bounce
Militant homosexualist Andrew Sullivan links TPMCafe for "proof" of this.
Apparently he missed the Gallup poll. He sure doesn't bother to mention it.
As they say: You can have your own opinions, but you can't have your own facts.
Unless you're a lunatic. If so, have a party.
Related: Dutch researchers claim that hearing voices in one's head is "normal."
Hearing voices in your head is so common that it is normal, psychologists believe.
Dutch findings suggest one in 25 people regularly hears voices.
Contrary to traditional belief, hearing voices is not necessarily a symptom of mental illness, UK researchers at Manchester University say.
Indeed, many who hear voices do not seek help and say the voices have a positive impact on their lives, comforting or inspiring them.
Rove... Abu Ghraib... Rove... Madonna...
Beagles... Rove... Rove forcing beagles to form
sexual dog-pyramids... P-Town... Rove...
Rove wearing Speedos on a beach in P-Town
and smearing fake menstrual blood all over beagles...
Correction: Hubris notes that Andi mentioned the Gallup poll today, briefly, tucked into yet another Hate-Rove post. Also, he notes that Andi's post came yesterday, when Gallup's poll only came out midnight yesterday-- after he'd posted his no-bounce-for-Bush post. My apologies.
However, he's still guilty of serious cherry-picking. The FoxNews OpinionDynamics poll, which came out three or four days ago, had the House race within the margin of error, and also showed a five point uptick for Bush.
In his Hate-Rove post, he says he's "struck" by the uptick for Bush. Well, sure. Because he hasn't been paying atttention, and almost exclusively reads leftwing blogs, which of course provide him with nothing but Bush-bashing and bad news for the GOP.
Credit Where Credit's Due: I should mention that that brilliant parody jpg comes from McGurk, who made some changes to Sullivan's blog illo.