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September 19, 2006
Swedish Feminists Pose Like Brazen Hussies To Celebrate Center-Right Electoral Triumph
Okay, the pictures aren't really that good.
Still, Sweden's stock market is soaring.
A little thing I didn't get around to mentioning:
Before the elections, the New York Times was spinning for the socialist government. It claimed it would be hard for the conservative(ish) parties to win, because the socialists had given Sweden (and I quote) "high growth."
High growth. High growth which should have gotten the incumbent government re-elected.
What was the high growth?
Know any other countries having an election where the incumbent party has managed "high growth" of 4.1% or higher?
Has the New York Times ever called America's growth rate "high"? Okay, I admit, it's probably slipped out at one point or another.
But have they ever mentioned America's "high growth" as a reason Democrats ought to have trouble winning the midterms?