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September 17, 2006
Blogger Fired From Cardin's Staff For Posting "Racially Insensitive" Remarks
Probably your only chance to read about this:
Rep. Benjamin Cardin has fired a campaign staffer who posted racially charged comments against his opponent on the Internet, the congressman's campaign said Saturday.
The staffer's blog includes references to Oreo cookies. Cardin's opponent, Republican Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, who is black, has said people threw Oreos at him during a 2002 debate as a slight directed at his race and political views.
In a statement, Cardin, who is white, also condemned comments written by the female staffer on her blog that he considered derogatory to Jews.
Only "considered." Brian Witte of the AP can't quite make the call himself.
A blog posting Aug. 25 refers to a stack of Oreo cookies "looming in the back of one of the campaign pantries" and how staffers have to "surreptitiously glance around" before eating them.
"The subterfuge would be unnecessary, and snack time would be far less amusing, had an angry citizen not thrown the aforementioned delicious snack food at one of our opponents to comment on his lack of racial loyalty," the blog entry reads.
The blog also contains an entry describing Cardin's friends as "large men with strong, loud voices and Jewish noses."
I think people are better able to restrain character flaws they're aware of than that they're ignorant of. The first step is admitting you have a problem, etc.
A lot of people on the left wing simply believe they're incapable of racial insensitivity or outright bigotry just because they vote "the right way." And thus, you have idiots like this trying to be "funny" with allusions to Oreos and "Jewish noses."
Thanks to Riehl World.
Update: Wizbang Blog says it broke this story, and I believe them, though of course the MSM gives them no credit.
Kevin Aylward finds the Cardin campaign claim that this woman was just a "junior staffer" somewhat unbelievable.
The woman seems to have had assistants, who in turn had interns.
That doesn't sound particularly "junior" to me.
Spot The Missing Word: It's sort of tough to write an article about a scandal in the midst of a political campaign and not mention the fact that Cardin or his "junior staffer" were Democrats, but the AP's Brian Witte manages it so seemlessly I didn't even notice.