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September 15, 2006
Democrats' Lead Narrows To Three
According to the most recent FoxNews/Opinion Dynamics poll.
By a 41 percent to 38 percent margin, likely voters say if the election were held today, they would choose the Democratic candidate in their district. In late August, Democrats had a 16-point lead in the generic Congressional vote among registered voters and an 18-point edge a month ago.
The polls was taken Sept. 12-13, so there is a Sept. 11th effect baked in the cake.
And this poll could be an outlier. The Real Clear Politics average puts the Dems' lead at 9.5, and most polls show an 8-12 point deficit for the GOP.
On the other hand, the other polls are of either adults or registered voters. The FoxNews poll is the first (I think) to start polling likely voters only.
Meanwhile... Rumors swirl that the regularly-scheduled New Jersey Senate Candidate Switcheroo is proceeding according to plan.
If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say, Say It About Nancy Pelosi: Mary Katherine Ham gins up the Fear 'n Smear campaign against the Democrats, and damnit, it's about time.
Want to prevent Nancy Pelosi from becoming Speaker of the House and John Conyers making his first move as Judiciary Committee Chairman the introduction of articles of impeachment against a president in a time of war?
When it comes to some of these races, particularly Michigan [Mike Brouchard] and New Jersey [Tom Kean Jr.], Townhall readers have the unique chance to turn these important Senate seats from blue to red with just a couple bucks. Can you feel it? You know you want to jump in, get that good ol’ Daschle-toppling feeling of days gone by.
I feel it, Mary Katherine. I really feel it!

Donate to the Rightroots candidates you like the most. Or all of them. The dextrosphere has been laggard in getting directly involved in electioneering, but now they're taking a page from Kos and soliciting support for Republicans in some of the most competitive, and vital, races.
Hopefully we'll do better than 0-16 (with one more defeat coming) Kos.
Flashback: Look, let's just win this sonofabitch for the gloating.
How I miss the gloating.