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September 09, 2006
Now I Understand [AnalogKid]
So I read the headline from this article ...
Toronto hosts private Clinton bash
And I'm thinking ... "a bunch of people on the left are getting together to slam Bubba. Good. 'Bout time."
Even my cynical, pessimistic, smallish, conservative heart misses a beat now and then. Of course, I should have known better ...
Event, which takes place at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel, will raise money for the William J. Clinton Foundation, and will feature Kevin Spacey as master of ceremonies and Paul Shaffer as musical director.
Now that I have the headline framed correctly, I'm a little pissed. We have Clinton and his cronies forcefully demanding pulling "The Path to 9/11" after ABC already caved and gave in to the thugs demands. There is not even the pretense of making the film better, making the history more accurate - it's about power now, about letting the
nutroots know that the Democratic leadership is tough, strong. Allah called them thugs.
That's pretty good. But I'll just call them Democrats. The party that stands for nothing and has no ethical standards other than might makes right.

From the Variety article again ...
Other celebs expected to appear include Billy Crystal, Sarah McLachlan, Jon Bon Jovi, Tim McGraw and James Taylor.
No one will ever accuse these people of being truly nuanced, truly informed. But this utterly ridiculous. From all appearances, Clinton has signed the order (just like old times ...) to get the ABC show pulled. This threatens the sanctity of the airwaves, of free speech. This is no grassroots campaign to get a show pulled off the air - this is the arbitrary application of power by the US Congress on behalf of an ex president to censor a show that none of them have even seen.
Why would these people sell out their industry, their medium, their livelihoods to worship at the feet of an a has-been ex-president who is trying to preserve his legacy?
Let me just throw this out for you ... last night was the first of the Judas moments that accompanies any revolution, the incidents where people begin to line up behind the "heir apparent" to garner favors and prestige in return for acceptance. Perhaps this was a political move on these otherwise unsavvy media figures, because (to their minds at least) they sense that if they don't that they could be the subject of other arbitrary and capricious applications of power. This is language that they understand - the Politics of Pull, of Influence, of pragmatic power plays in a world of incompetence and public relations.