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Reporter Smackdown [Retired Geezer] »
September 06, 2006
*peeks around* [Dave in Texas]
Anybody home?
Your, ah, door was open. I just thought I'd close it for you.
hmmmm..nothing in the silverware drawer...
Oh hi there! Apparently we can still post here, an oversight I'm sure will be corrected shortly. In the mean time, I'm Dave in Texas so I'll post something wonky. Then I'll post something stupid.
Then I'll leave like the wind, and no one will ever know I was here.
Or this day-old pizza.
Consumer Reports Tests Current Impact of Ethanol.
No major surprises. Less efficient than gasoline, but still, E for effort. You gotta start somewhere.
There are 2 blends of ethanol, E-10 and E-85. The numbers correspond to the percentage of ethanol in the ethanol/gasoline blend. E-10 can run in just about any gasoline engine, E-85 takes a special engine.
More available in the midwest, duh, that's where the corn grows.
Potential ethanol users, take note. Don't be buyin ethanol-based fuels from a run-down lookin business. Tanks have to be specially prepared to deal with it, it attracts water and can gum stuff up. This is what we in the industry call a bad thing.
Running out of oil? Maybe.
Maybe not.