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August 17, 2006
More On Yesterday's Disturbed Free-Urination-Zone "Peace Activist"
She wrote for the Pakistan Times, penning anti-American screeds, for example.
The sinestrosphere reacted with chuckles over this event, as the right covered it (taking information directly from CNN, which in turn came directly from a Logan Airport spokesman), once again playing the "We're Too Brave To Be Afraid of Terrorism" card, along with the "Look at the Righties Playing This Up" card, along with the "Bush Is Just Fear-Mongering" card.
But, see, they also completely embargoed the SkyBomb story, except to "Question the Timing" and postulate it was a Bush-Blair conspiracy.
So if they're "unafraid" of terrorism, it's for a good reason: They don't seem to believe in it at all, and more or less say so.
Gleen, you'll not be surprised to note, poo-poohs all this concern over terrorism as if it's a joke, before covering his ass with a statement along the lines of "But of course we should take terrorism seriously."
Like when a disturbed woman mutters incoherently about Al Qaeda and is discovered to have prohibited items upon a plane, including an as of yet unidentified "gelatinous substance" in her handbag? (Gleen, by the way, giggles over reports it was "vaseline," and yet doesn't seem aware that it's been later reported there was a vaseline-like substance in her handbag.)
Or like the left's complete disinterest in the extremely extensive and serious SkyBomb terror investigation going on right now?
Are they unafriad? Or simply unconnected with reality?
New York Magazine just put out an issue in which a great many liberal writers were asked to pen essays about an alternate world in which 9/11 never happened. And that of course is their fondest dream-- a world in which their worldview was never slammed into and destroyed by a pair of jets.
While they expressly fantasize about such a world in New York Magazine, salivating over an America in which they are still relevant, it's clear they're pretty much fantasizing about just this imaginary dream-world in their everyday lives.
They claim they take terrorism seriously, and yet they mock those who dare to report on real-time threatening situations on airplanes, with all information gleaned straight off CNN.
They claim to take terrorism seriously, and yet they simply refuse to write a single word about the massive SkyBomb plot, except to suggest it's a hoax or that the "timing" of the busts was arranged to help Joe Lieberman. Why precisely Pakistani interrogators, who provided the information that sparked the arrests, should be concerned about the fate of an anti-terrorist observant Jew in Connecticut they never quite explain; but for some reason, they're pretty certain Mussharaf and the ISI are scheming to keep Ned Lamont down.
Is this a serious reaction to terrorism?
Or is this further retreat into the warm, comfortable echo-chamber world of their own invention, whereby only reading the news on their unhinged leftist blogs, they have all the ugly data that might threaten their worldviews censored, embargoed, dismissed, denigrated, and fully sannitized for their mental protection?
Is it brave to crawl up into a warm, protective coccoon of cognitive dissonance and denial of reality?
Apparently so.
Well, carry on, Brave, Tough, Strong Warriors of the Left! While you accomplish mighty things in your consensual-hallucination alternate earth, we'll be over here on the actual earth, actually following real news and attepting to cobble together reactions to events that are really happening.
I was just thinking the other day that this country needs a divorce, or at least a trial separation period. But I see now that such a thing is unnecessary -- the left, by and large, has already departed from our world, to cavort and play in a fictive universe more to their liking.
Thanks to Larwyn.