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August 14, 2006
Fox News Reporter Steve Centanni & Unnamed Cameraman Kidnapped In Gaza
Two Fox News employees apparently were kidnapped Monday in Gaza, according to Fox News' Jerusalem bureau.
That's from CNN, oddly enough. I don't see it on the FoxNews site yet.
I guess the MSM is right -- telling the truth about terrorists can be dangerous.
Better to lie and shill for Hamas and Hezbollah.
Update: IreneFingIrene reports it was reporter Steve Centanni and an unnamed camera man.
Disgustingly, they're sniggling up a storm about this at Democratic Underground.
Thanks to JackStraw for that, who wants to know if we can now question their patriotism.
I would say the answer is a hesitant, qualified "Fuck yeah."
Thanks to Larwyn.
Article Link... At RiehlWorld.
iconoclastic cat (1000+ posts) Mon Aug-14-06 02:08 PM
Response to Original message
22. "Okay, you American pig dogs! Tell us the truth!" Fox guy: "Excuse me?"
"The truth! The truth!"
Fox guy: "Come again?"
"The truth, you infidel!"
Fox guy: "Can you spell that for me?"
"Aaarrgh! T--R--U--T--H! Truth!"
50. hahaha...in the same vein as ..."kidnappers say they will cut off the ear
of the Faux news employees unless a ransom is paid"
FBI : "ha..we know they are lying"
CNN: "How do you know that?"
FBI: "Because Faux News has never had an ear for news"
adapted from an old Lawrence Welk Joke...hahahaha
Also a lot of wishing it turns out to be this evil Fox contributor or that one, and the sums-it-all-up message:
Who should I root for? [n/t]
That's kind of been the left's dilemma for five years, hasn't it?
BTW... I imagine that FoxNews is quiet about this because they're negotiating for the man's release. Standard K&R.
But the DUmmies will of course howl about "negotiating with terrorists."
That's US policy, not anyone's corporate policy. I imagine FoxNews, and most organizations, promise to pay up to a certain amount in ransom if their employees are kidnapped.
Anyway, just a preview of the coming idiocy.
More DU Venom... In the comments. The moderator is deleting a lot of the offensive posts, so my comments may be the only place to read the nuanced, layered commentary from the DU patriots.
Dean Wormer Dropped The Big One Update: The moderators wisely choose to nuke the hate-site from orbit. It's gone. Bye-bye.
But the hate lives on here at Ace of Spades. Forever.