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August 13, 2006
Iran's Ahmadinejad Blasts US... On His Blog
No, I'm not kidding.
Here's where I'm kidding: He "questioned the timing" of his own crash nuke program as a "distraction" from the Lamont victory.
Here's where I'm not kidding again:
"Do you think that the U.S. and Israeli intention and goal by attacking Lebanon is pulling the trigger for another world war?" the president asks visitors to the site, offering them the choice to vote 'yes' or 'no'.
Kidding: Also opines that N'Sync should really be called "N'Stink."
Not kidding again:
Ahmadinejad describes how in the first grade at school -- for those aged about seven -- he read newspapers with the help of adults about how the then shah of Iran gave Americans living in Iran immunity from prosecution under Iranian laws.
"I realized that Mohammad Reza (Shah) attempted to add another page to the vicious case history which was the humiliation and indignity of the Iranian people versus Americans," he said.
He describes listening ardently to the speeches of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the shah's vociferous critic and later leader of the 1979 Islamic revolution that overthrew the monarchy.
He also discusses Iran's bloody 1980-1988 war with Iraq, in which Ahmadinejad fought as a Revolutionary Guard.
But he admitted his opening blog, which runs to more than 2,300 words in the English version, was too long. "From now onwards, I will try to make it simpler and shorter," he wrote.
Yeah, I've promised that myself. Good luck with that.
The article is, as we've come to expect, pretty sympathetic towards this plucky, opinionated ant-Bush blogger, dwelling on his early days as a blacksmith's son and one of the bastards that took the American embassy staff hostage.
Kidding again. Of course Reuters would never mention that.
Thanks to Lisa.
Update: As usual, Allah has doubts. He's a doubter.
I'm not sure if this is much of a doubt, though. The blog's domain name is registered out of Teheran. Allah thinks it's "unlikely" that this guy, or whatever functionary is actually writing the thing, would use a gmail address. Why is that? Because the Iranian government has government addresses?
Well, fine, but... he's playing to Americans, right?
Allah also thinks it's suspicious that the name "Ahmandinejad" is rendered as the Western media do, instead of how the Iranians usually do, as "Ahmadi-Nezad."
Again -- if he's playing to the American left, which I think he is, why not adopt the spelling common in America?
The fact that this is registered out of Teheran suggests it's real -- or virtually real, i.e., as real as the "George Clooney" posts on Arianna Huffington. Done with Ahmadinejad's permission.
If this were a spoof, it would attack Ahmadinejad, not support him, and furthermore, it would be a one way ticket to the gallows.