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August 11, 2006
Donation Drive Update (Amazon Pay Page Working?)
Update: The Amazon pay page may, or may not, be working. It's here, if you'd like to donate through Amazon. Please let me know ASAP if I've screwed up and have left any personal information here.
Update to the Update: A lot of "Page Cannot Be Displayed" crap again. I've been going through this crap since Monday. What is wrong with Amazon?
Last Update: Amazon seems up and down, but here's the way to know it's up: When the Amazon button is showing in the left sidebar, or after he jump in this post, it should be up and running. When the button is invisible, that means the system's fragged, and there's no point clicking on the link above.
Thank you for trying.
I want to thank everyone who's contributed to the apartment-kitty so far. It's really appreciated. This weekend is set aside to finish all the thank yous.
As I wrote back to someone, sometimes I get a little choked up at the generosity and kind words of you guys, which bothers me, because I hate emotion.
Except for the emotion of hate.
One reader said he couldn't make a donation, but he'd donate his time in-kind to help me write thank-yous. How nice is that? I don't think I'll be taking him up on it; I've got a couple of funny thank-yous I've been doing and I'll just play with them a little so that not all thank-yous are 100% identical.
No one's sent me $10,000 yet, but I assume that's just because it takes a little while to free up assets in children's education and health trusts and the like. I forgive you for your tardiness in this.
The button's at the left, if you're inclined to donate, but just were waiting for me to plead with you again.
On Amazon: Well, now the system kind of works, and I entered in all my information, but at the last step -- pushing the button actually create the account -- it keeps telling me the system is encountering a problem and that I shoud "try again later."
So, that might not happen today.
Amazon Update: Well, the account is sort of created, but everytime I attempt to configure it, I get a "Cannot find serve" notice. After clicking five or six times, I eventually get to the next page.
Oh well. It's not like Amazon relies upon the Internet or anything, right?