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August 10, 2006
US Muslim Terrorist-Apologist Group CAIR Bristles At "Islamic Fascist" Descriptor
I warned Slublog once about this. I don't want to take candy from a baby, but if the baby keeps sticking it in my mouth, well, eventually, I'm takin' the damn lolipop.
Late last night a Muslim apologist on CNN international was saying Muslims won't cooperate with police inquiries because they feel "finger of blame" is always pointed at them.
Well, there's a good reason for that. Muslims are almost always guilty of these crimes.
(Note: to say almost all terrorists are Muslims is NOT to say that almost all Muslims or terrorists. Check your Venn diagram to confirm this.)
It's about time they stop fantasizing themselves as the forever-maligned and admitted they have killers and savages in their midst, and they are, through their slience, protecting those killers and savages and permitting them to murder innocent people.
There is nothing more injurious than a perpetual, and entirely unwarranted, belief that one is a "victim." You're not victims. WE are all the victims. You are the people who offer them social sanctuary out of a combination of fear, identity-politics solidarity, misguided tribal loyalty, and the irrational conceit that, somehow, these Muslims who keep killing people or trying to are either justified or framed.
Last And now CAIR, forever worried about "backlash" against Muslims after Muslims kill people, objects to the term Islmaic Fascist.
We believe this is an ill-advised term and we believe that it is counter-productive to associate Islam or Muslims with fascism," said Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations advocacy group. "We ought to take advantage of these incidents to make sure that we do not start a religious war against Islam and Muslims," he told a news conference in Washington. "We urge him (Bush) and we urge other public officials to restrain themselves.
Restrain themselves? That IS the restrained form of the descriptor. It is an attempt to seperate peaceful Muslims from the jihadists, by differently describing jihadists as not simply "Muslims," but "Islamic Fascists."
If we drop that praseology, you know what descriptor we're left with? Just plain old "Muslims."
What CAIR really seeks is for the world to stop noticing at all that the people forever jacking off to Al Qaeda murder-porn are all -- all -- Muslims.
Sorry. Reality is a little more important to me than "sensitivity" to a group that has not shown much "sensitivity" to non-Muslims' legitimate desire to not be murdered in large numbers.
So here is my considered, deliberate, and thoughtful respnse to that demand:
Fuck you, Terrorist Sympathizer. Fuck off, and die alone.
Quoting Myself:
"Is it just me, or is your first reaction after turning on the news and hearing someone say 'We must try harder to understand Islam' to wonder, 'Oh God, what did they blow up now?'"
Thanks to Christopher Taylor for the reminder. He's a damn good commenter on this site, and he has a damn fine blog, too. You should check it out.
Allah Has This Too... Plus video of Bush's remarks on the matter.
His one-word comment on CAIR's whining about the injustice of non-Muslims trying to protect themselves from Islamofascist mass-murder?
Pithy. It has great pith.*
* Where?
Shocker: Plotters Had Connections To 7/7 Tube Bombers: First CAIR takes the opportunity to make demands on America, now we find out these bastards are all conspiring with each other. It's a day of constant surprises.
Also a bit about the sort of explosive that was to be used:
...hydrogen peroxide-based liquid/slurry explosives in modified sports drinks bottles...
Again, I think the "bottled milk exception" is a potentially lethal loophole.