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August 09, 2006
The Kosfather Puts Out A Contract On Lieberman
He's out for blood. Lieberman must be stripped of all committee memberships, immediately, etc.
This isn't political strategy. This is an impulse-control disorder masquerading as "people-power."
Don't take a shot at the king unless you're sure you'll kill him, Mighty Kos. In case you haven't noticed, Joe Lieberman is currently a US senator, and, if he runs as he promised his supporters (very nearly half the Democrats in Connecticut, in case you haven't noticed), he has a very good chance of winning.
You think bullying him by stripping him of his committee memberships is going to make him drop his independent bid? I don't-- I don't see him doing much legislative work at all for the next three months. I see him campaigning and fundraising and basically living in Connecticut.
Like Ned Lamont's radio ads told him to. Remember those?
As Dalton in Roadhouse said: Be nice. Until it's time to not be nice.
It's not the time to not be nice, Hard Guy.
You really want to piss off a guy who has a better than even chance of returning as a Senator, and -- before your strong, tough kick-'im-in-the-teeth posturing is actually put into action -- a 99% chance of voting with the Democrats in conference and on almost all key votes?
That's your plan, Genius?
You want to push the chances he stays blue down to 75%? How about 60%? How far you willing to push Lieberman towards the R column for your hissy-fit, and your personal stake in being crowned as kingmaker?
Remember Jeffords, Kos? Seems to me someone in the White House gave him the brush-off over his pet project (special education) and he jumped parties over it (essentially; he votes and conferences with the Dems).
And you want to get really personal and "tough" with Lieberman, son?
Well, be my guest. I won't get in your way. It's a mistake to let an idiot run around with sharp scissors, but it's even more of a mistake to try to stop him.
Unless you really care about the dangerous idiot in question. Which most of us, including half of the Democratic Party, do not.
Kos has wanted to be taken seriously for so long. It's a shame he doesn't know how to behave seriously now that he is, alas, taken seriously.
Lamont will either win or he won't. This sort of lashing-out strategy has no chance of pushing Lieberman out of the race, a good chance of making him more committed to win it, and a decent chance of making him a very Republican-friendly Independent if he does win it.
And what the hell is this?
Let people know what a sore loser Lieberman is.
I do believe that someone over at Free Republic might have a trademark infringement suit against Kos, if he goes too much further along these lines.*
* I don't really think that. There is no accepted legal cause of action based upon "Delicious Irony."