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Unlike Reuters, The Dextrosphere Offers Apologies For Its Mistakes »
August 08, 2006
US News & World Report Snookered By Adnan Hajj?
Allah tucked this at the end of his post. It should be moved up top or to its own post.
Dan Riehl called shenangans on this pic a few days ago. I didn't link him because it seemed premature-- he had a decent hunch, but only a hunch.
Not a hunch anymore.
I don't know if it's p-shopped or simply staged (more likely the latter), but for reasons unknown this Hezbollah dude is aiming his AK-47 at... burning tires in a garbage dump.
Because sometimes they come back to life, you know.
And Speaking of Reuters... They're no more credible than their former star-freelancer Adnan Hajj.
Reuters, Take One: Heartless Israelis bomb Lebanese funeral procession
Reuters, Take Two: Not-Quite-So-Heartless Israelis bomb completely different area of town at approximately the same time a funeral procession is occurring
Reuters has corrected without apology its earlier story that the IDF strafed a funeral procession and updated the report to state that the bombs struck a village at the same time the funeral was taking place, adding that "the air strike was not in the immediate vicinity of the funeral."
"Without apology." I like that. It's not like they accused the Israelis of anything serious for which they owe an apology or anything.
I really wish FoxNews had used some of my criticism of foreign stringers, and Reuters' credulous, Mulder-like "I want to believe" attitude towards their far-fetched tales.
Update: Riehl World takes a bit of vengeance through a parody, ironically enough created through Photoshop.