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August 08, 2006
The Debate: Resolved-- My Opponent Is Fat
Now here's the sort of political discussion that makes sense to me! They're not talking about abstractions and pie-in-the-sky predictions and numbers and "facts." They're just debating something that actually matters in my life-- whether this guy over here is fat or not.
The pony-tail guy seems to be a liberal, so I'm inclined to disagree with him that the other guys is fat. On the other hand, I'm not sure if the Fat Guy has all of his facts in order, either.
Also over there: Beckel, Caddel admit the fringe is taking over the Democratic party; the DU'ers solve the Mystery of the Photoshopped Picture (Adnan Hajj is an IDF plant); and another suspicious photo from Lebanon. Plus George Galloway.
Basically, a lot of stuff over there.
Thanks to Hobgoblin for tipping me to The Greatest. Debate. Eveh.