Deficit Smallest In Four Years »
August 08, 2006
Open Thread
I'm burying the old post past the jump, because I've decided it's too bitchy and inside-blogball. I shouldn't have put it up, and I feel like an ass for doing so.
So I'll make this an open post.
But as I can't just bury the evidence, I'll leave it past the jump.
My only excuse is four hours sleep, two sleeping pills, and two bottles of beer before 9 AM.
Andrew Sullivan: Hot On The Diapered-Goat Story, The Day After I Post It
Well! Gee! No thank you, no hat-tip, no suggestion at all of where this might have come from.
A mere twelve hours after I posted it.
Kind of like a hundred instances before of stuff being posted on The Malcontent the day before Sullivan posts it (without attribution, as usual).
You know, if it were allowed -- Andrew Sullivan would just hat-tip himself on every post.
I find it gob-smackingly vile to the point of heart-ache that the Catholic Church will not yet recognize female priests, gay marriages, or the tasteful light-spanking videos of "couples porn" director Sharon Mitchell. (H/t to myself. Why thank you, Andrew. You're very welcome, Andrew. Did I ever tell you you're a fine-looking man, Andrew? Why, you're not too shabby yourself, Andrew! Oh, stop! My cheeks are burning, you roguish scamp, you.)
How ineffably vile. Lord knows I'm not the easiest person to offend, but I am shocked, saddened, chagrined, appalled, and in all ways entirely put-out by this disgraceful cyberkleptomania habit of Sullivan's.