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August 07, 2006
Lieberman Closes Gap To 6 Points
In a Qunnippinininapipianianinac poll (posible spelling error), not one of those fakey internal polls.
He could win.
Because a great number of Lamont's most passionate supporters do not know where their local polling station is, or have valid ID, or even know enough to thorougly wash their junk at least once per month.
Here's the deal: Lieberman will not run as an independent. He says he will, but that's part of a bluff strategy to convince people not to vote him out. He's holding the spoiler card up his sleeve.
But he won't play it. Politicians want to be beloved, not despised. If Lamont wins, then the entire Democratic establishiment, as well as the grassroots, will wail for Lieberman to drop out of the race. (As mentioned on FoxNews Sunday yesterday.)
He will collect the signatures to run as an independent, to keep his options open, but ultimately, he will bow out. It would take a very tough man to completely ignore the passionate opinions of his fellow party members, and I don't think Joe Lieberman is that kind of tough.
If he had been, he would have more frequently voted against his party, instead of (like famously reasonable-talking Daniel Patrick Moynihan) always saying all the right things before voting almost down-the-line with the liberal wing of the party.
I don't think we're going to have an Independent Lieberman as Senator. It's a nice dream, but ultimately no one wants to be reviled by the people who once admired you.
Whether or not a Lamont win helps or hurts the Democrats is open to debate.
I know one thing: If Lamont wins, you're going to see Kos' face everywhere, and you will not be able to read about politics for the next five months without seeing him praised as The Man Who Crashed The Gates.
I don't know if I can handle that, man. I really don't.
Now the Netroots Are Gunning For Ed Rendell? They're going to purge the party for ideological purity until the only three Democrats left are Helen Thomas, Cynthia McKinney, that liberal jagweed The Green Arrow.
Some superpower. Shooting arrows. Yeah, that's impressive. You can do something my ten year old niece Heather does at Bible camp.
Aquaman laughs at the Green Arrow.