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August 07, 2006
Donation Drive!
Seems like as good a day as any.
My lease here is up August 31st, and I have no earthly idea where I'll be living September 1. As my credit rating is about what you'd expect for someone living the Ace of Spades HQ Lifestyle (TM), it would probably help to have a little bit in the bank before pitching myself as a renter.
That's where you come in.
As I've noted before, I have about 5000 regular readers, I'd guess. If each of these readers would send just $1, that would be $5000 for me in sweet, sweet blog-money.
Of course, if each of those readers sent $5, that would be even better. That would be $25,000 in crazy blog-money.
But what stop there? If each regular reader sent in just $100, that would sum to $500,000 in delusional schizophrenic blog money.
But of course I still think we can do better. If each regular reader took out a second or third mortgage on their home, or cashed in their children's educational trust, and sent me $10,000 each, why, that would add up to a Jane Hamsher mental instability amount of $50,000,000 cash-money, US coin.
A man could live nicely on that for a couple of months. Why, he might even be able to buy Andrew Sullivan a few days of server-space and bandwidth.
The little "PayPal" button in the left sidebar is where to donate, once you've consulted with your accountants about the (minor) consequences of cashing out most of your equity in your home and giving it to a complete stranger. I've put it right after the BlogAds, so it's high in the sidebar now.
And no, you don't need a PayPal account to donate. PayPal accounts are only needed to receive money. To send money, you just need to click on the button and punch in a credit card number.
For those worried about PayPal -- well, it's part of eBay, I think, so it's not a fly by night operation. I'm not aware of any security problems with it. But I'll also open up an Amazon account for those of you with concerns.
Thanks so much. (And PS: There will be thank-yous for everyone this time. No missing anyone. If I have to, I'll pay someone to help me send them out.)
I know sacrificing your children's future is a lot to ask. I know that. But, really -- do your kids ever crack you up with pooter jokes? Unlikely, it seems to me.
So let's have a sense of perspective here. Your kids will do just fine. Frankly, you don't want to burden them with all those advantages you never had. You turned out okay without those advantages, right? So have a little more faith in your children, for crying out loud. They're not made of glass. It's a tough world out there, and you're not doing them any favors by coddling them with toys and ponies and medical insurance.
Bonus: And, once again, for the ladies. While the Ace of Spades Mystique is what keeps my ladies coming back, sometimes one has to drop the veil and put a little of oneself out there.
So, yes, again: the only picture of myself available on the web.

I've got one without the cat, too. Savvy?
A Better Pitch: This guy is pure bullshit, but that stuff on his sign? That really all happened to me. That's my real life story.
Thanks to You Can't Get Blood Out Of An Amish.