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July 31, 2006
What did you just say? Did you just say I inflated our numbers of weapons? Is that what you just said? [Nikita Khrushchev]

Oh it is fucking ON biyatch!
We had more T-62s, more missiles, more submarines, more bombers than you have socks in your dresser drawer Mr. Ace of Spades! You have no idea. Your pathetic Gary Powers tried to count them all and he cried like a BABY when he saw the truth. Before we shot his impotent tookas out of the skies of the Motherland!
We had more tanks, more toilet paper, more milk, more hubcaps than you can imagine Mr. Ace of NOTHING. Mr. Ace that never shot down five U-2s! So how can you be an ACE of anything? We will bury you. And you will stay buried, and like it!
UPDATE: Who can deal with this fucking Cyrillic alphabet? Not me! That's who. Cause I'm DEAD.
hat tip: jive dancing Mrs. Peel.