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July 27, 2006
CSI: Ace of Spades
Hi all.
I've added a leetle feature to the new comments thingy. Under each comment, you will see the usual line, like:
Posted by: geoff at July 26, 2006 05:02 PM (THOZg)
But that last bit, the (THOZg) bit, is new. It's a fingerprint based on the user's IP address, salted and encrypted. If two fingerprints are different, that doesn't prove anything, but if they are the same it's 99.9999999% likely that it's the same IP address. (Well, assuming that MD5 hashes are
normally evenly distributed. Are they? Anyone?)
And two comments with the same fingerprint within a few minutes of each other? Same person.
Update: Should have mentioned - I borrowed the idea from VekTor and the commenters at Protein Wisdom. It came up in a sock-puppet discussion, and in a few minutes all the major technical problems had been raised and resolved. There's still the joke-spoiling aspect of it, but it can always be turned off except in time of extreme puppetation.

posted by Pixy Misa at
02:27 AM
Access Comments