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July 22, 2006
Capitol Hill Blue's Doug Thompson Seems To Have Invented Fictional PoliSci Professor For Juicy Quotes
A post that has absolutely nothing at all to do with Glenn Ellison Willson Ellers Ellensburg Greenwald. Nothing.
Bush-hatin' Doug Thompson seems to have "quoted" a "man" of great accomplishment, wisdom, learning, and virtue, deficient only, apparently, in the category of "actual real-world existence."
George Harleigh, supposedly a professor at Southern Illinois University, and formerly a WH aide to Nixon and Reagan, said this, supposedly, which has been quoted on innumerable left-wing websites:
The very future of this Republic may well rest on whether or not anyone can, or will, stop George W. Bush.
He also was on hand to provide Doug Thomspon with good anti-Bush quotes at the time of Reagan's death:
Professor Harleigh was quoted in a report not long after the Reagan funeral:
Capitol Hill Blue has an unsourced report that, amid rumors of proposed Bush ads featuring Reagan's image, Former First Lady Nancy Reagan has sent a message to the White House expressing her “extreme displeasure” at any attempt to use her late husband as a campaign tool in the Presidential campaign.
and quotes retired Southern Illinois University political scientist George Harleigh.
"Ronald Reagan has achieved god-like status among conservative Republicans and you don’t mess with his memory. If they are smart they will pull the plug on the campaign and order the ads destroyed. Unfortunately, the Bush campaign has not yet impressed us with its intelligence."
Classical Values felt dumb that he had never heard of this very famous and very important and very soundbite-friendly man, and so he went a-lookin' for him. He searched far and wide, ranging up and down the Internet tubes, and even, get this, picking up the phone to call Southern Illinois University, but he came up dry.
FWIW, Thompson has also reported the following:
President Bush tortured cats when he was a boy;
President Bush said the Constitution was "just a goddamned piece of paper."
... which Classical Values was also unable to verify.
Others, including Clayton Cramer, joined in on the hunt, combing Lexis/Nexis and public records for a "George Harleigh." They, too, cannot find this mysterious man, who apparently lives in Doug Thompson's closet, and only appears when the magic words are spoken to deliver a key quote for an anti-Bush hit piece.
The left-wing media: Your trusted source for 100% bullshit "news."
Ohhhh... Yeah. One thing? When I said this post had nothing to do with Glenn Greenwald?
That wasn't technically accurate.
MORE: In March, Doug Thompson not only called Glenn Greenwald a “prominent New York litigator,” but he recounted his personal tale of oppression at the hands of Alberto Gonzales: “The significance of this cannot be overstated,” says prominent New York litigator Glenn Greenwald.
There's more to that quote, too. Good stuff.
"His personal tale of opression at the hands of Alberto Gonzales." Hee, hee, hee.
I only wish Doug Thompson had gotten around to a political roundtable with Wilson, Ellison, Thomas Ellers, Rick Ellensburg, and the rest of the merry band of sock-puppets.