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Sock Puppet Theater »
July 20, 2006
Overdue Clarification
In my first post, I speculated that Glenn Greenwald must be using an anonymizer, because I couldn't understand why his IP kept showing itself as part of the Latin America and Carribean network. I assumed he lived in NYC.
I was wrong.
He does in fact live in South America, as Dan Riehl mentions. And Greenwald "admits" this (not that there's anything to admit) on his blog.
But that's part of his attempt to disguise what he's being charged with. Rather than own up to the charge of his dishonest sock-puppetry, he instead replies to a whole series of "charges" levelled against him -- like that he's gay, and that he lives in Brazil.
Those aren't "charges." They're simply biographical facts.
In the midst of "rebutting" these "allegations," he quickly slips in, "Oh, and by the way, some people are accusing me of posting in other names, but it's not true, so that should settle the matter." Pretty much.
One funny thing about his thread-- not that you should go there, although it was nice to see spongeworthy making trouble. Anyway, it was annoying the HELL out of me that there were all these repetitive posts telling Greenwald he was the greatest blogger in the world, and that he was fighting the good fight, and that the rightwingers were just jealous, and that we all had his back. They just kept coming, over and over, with barely any variation between them, save a changed word here or a reordering of the sentences there.
And then I noticed the authors of these posts:
Thomas Ellers
Hee, hee, hee.
But Seriously: Read this again. Does this sound like it was written by an American, or a non-American?
Greenwald only has a New York Times Best Selling Book on the Bush Administration and its abuses of power. And he has one of the most-read blogs on the Interent, after 9 months of blogging. And Senators read from his blog at Senate hearings and his posts lead to front-page news stories in major newspapers.
Why would anyone think what he has to say matters? It's not like anyone listens to him. It's not like he's Ace, or Jeff Goldstein, or Patterico, or Sister Toldjah or Glenn Reynolds, or someone who really matters.
Great advice, you super-important bloggers should only to each other and about each other. Don't bother with anyone in the Left because if you ignore them, they'll just go away.
Posted by: Ellison on July 13, 2006 08:14 AM
"Don't bother with anyone on the Left..."
That's not what a Brazillian says. A Brazillian says, "Don't bother with anything that challenges your neocon American assumptions..."
An American leftist says "Don't bother with anyone on the Left..." He doesn't have to specify "American Left," because he assumes the "American" part.
Who reads his blogs? "Senators?" Or "American Senators?" Again, the "American" part of it is assumed.
Because it was written by an American, not a Brazillian, nor, for that matter, a hyperintelligent ocicat named "Sox" (short for "Socrates").
Wilson's Greatest Hits: Wilson has a long career, apparently posting on Glenn's site quite a bit, usually to agree with him and call dissenters names.
Seems the "Protective Boyfriend" has been doing a lot of protecting for a very long time.
Kevin, who sends this, notes that this Wilson feller writes that Greenwald "explains his point quite convincingly" in the 5th link, and also writes, "Glenn - you were awesome on the radio. Wish you were on longer!!"
Wilson also writes:
"Ace's" participation here is starting to make sense. He's a moron who knows nothing about the eavesdropping scandal.
That's another Ace he's talking about, and yet I've never been angrier in my entire life.
Has Greenwald been using "Wilson" to stir controversy and deal more harshly with dissenting commenters than he had the balls do under his own name?
Say it ain't so, "Wilson." Of all of the sock-puppets, you were the one I most admired. The one I almost... well, it's silly, but in another life perhaps, we may have been... friends?
Oh, Wilson. Ohhhhhh Wilson.
You have crushed me.