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July 19, 2006
Pornstar Mimi Miyagi Running For Governor In Nevada, As Republican
Wax on, wax off, wax on, wax off.
Oh, wait, that's Mr. Miyagi.
This is Mimi Miyagi.
Hmmm... still works.
Wax on, wax off. Wax on, wax off. Daniel-san stiff from work-out.
Interview at Right Wing News.
John Hawkins: Mary Carey, another porn star who ran for governor of California, was also a Republican. Is that common in the porn industry? Are a lot of porn stars Republicans?
Mimi Miyagi: ...The Republican Party is about individualism and people who support free speech...it only makes sense to fall into that Party.
...The adult industry is a growing enterprise on its own and the GOP, ...they state that free enterprise is something that they support.
We have a very weird coalition here. Not saying bad. Just saying weird.
John Hawkins: One last question: tell me who'd you'd like to see as president in 2008?
Mimi Miyagi: Giuliani! I love Rudi. You know, that man has changed New York City so dramatically and I applaud him...for that. Being able to transform an area that was so high in crime to what it is today, is amazing.
London Calling, track 4 (I think).
I think the last couple of posts more than make up for the Helen Thomas and Evil Fish pics.