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July 18, 2006
Dostoyesvski On The Exquisite Agony Of Being Offended
Sobek nails it. I mean Dostoyevski nails it. I mean Sobek nails Dostoyevski nailing Excitable Andi and Juan "Shakes" Cole and other members of the Perpetually Outraged Brigades.
A man who lies to himself, for instance, can take offense whenever he wishes, for there are times when it is rather pleasant to feel wronged -- don't you agree? So a man may know very well that no one has offended him, and may invent an offense, lie just for the beauty of it, or exaggerate what someone said to create a situation, making a mountain out of a molehill. And although he is well aware of it himself, he nevertheless does feel offended because he enjoys doing so, derives great pleasure from it, and so he comes to feel real hostility toward the imaginary offender.