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July 16, 2006
Don't Read This Post
It's about Andrew Sullivan. I think. I know a lot of you are tired of that subject.
Andrew Sullivan seems to be reading nothing but left-wing blogs lately, and attempting to ingratiate himself to them. For one thing, he claims to not have heard of the "Townhouse" mailing list until someone accused him of getting his talking points from it; that's not possible for anyone reading right-leaning blogs. We covered the Townhouse microscandal. It was the lefty blogs that dutifully embargoed it.
For another thing, Andrew Sullivan has confessed to being a big fan of Gleen Greenwad. (I know I promised I'd never write his name again. I didn't. See? It's not written properly.) He writes lately that he agrees wholeheartedly with this unhinged lefty's take on Instapundit, and thinks he's showing moral courage by proudly rejecting the hate-speech of Michelle Malkin in favor of the... well, the hate-speech of Glenn Greenwad.
Snarky Bastards notes the fundamental dishonesty of Sullivan when making one of his patented thought-free, emotion-laden screeds against Instpundit. And a commenter there (some good ones) notes that "Andrew Sullivan has crawled so far up Glenn Green[wad]'s ass he now qualifies as an internal organ."
But there's more. Apparently the sinestrosphere are all linking goofy-bad singing-dancing videos. Yes, we all do that from time to time, but apparently right now the left of the blogospere is making something of a game of it.
So guess who decides to make an entry? Yup, Sullivan.
But apparently Duncan "Open Thread" Black ain't having Andy on his team, because he mocks him for trying to play with the "cool kids" (i.e. the lefties) and then links an old, kinda embarassing video from a Bill Maher show in which Andrew Sullivan scratches and pumps his ass cheeks for a couple of minutes.
Sullivan's eternal pose is of the put-upon Truth Teller who's just so principled and honest he can see the wrong in both sides and is crucified by the knee-jerk partisans of both wings of American politics.
Well, it was never really true. Every person is, ultimately, a Party of One, with one's own beliefs, and usually they don't track perfectly with a party's consensus beliefs. Hey, I slammed SUV's today; that doesn't make me a rebel, or maverick, or brave independent voice in the howling wilderness of political exile. It makes me a Republican who doesn't like SUVs.
But Sullivan's pose of a Singular Hero of Uncompromising Independence is even less true when he's constantly kissing the ass of the sinestrosphere and praising Glenn Greenwad to the heavens. He really wants to belong. Now that no one believes Andrew Sullivan is a conservative -- except, apparently, for Andrew Sullivan and the entire MSM, which of course always features him as their "conservative pundit" -- he's looking for a new group to join, and that group is, surprise surprise, the unhinged left.
The funny thing, while I do see some receptiveness to Sullivan's overtures among the left -- beginning to accept him, invite him in, make them one of their own -- I think most on the left are going to have Open Thread's reaction, which is a mocking, spurning one.
They don't want him either.
Because Andrew Sullivan is a dishonest, hyperemotional, narcissistic, self-serving he-bitch.
At least the right and most of the left can agree on that point.
Thanks to Chip for alerting me to Atrios' Sullivan-butt-pumping video posting.