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July 12, 2006
Why does every "John Lennon" documentary, or tribute concert, or book, or compliation album controlled by Yoko Ono always seem to feature Yoko Ono 90% as much as John?
Tell me, Yoko-- as there is obviously such a great interest in Yoko-related material (Yokomania, if you will), why do you not just give us John Lennon material, with very little Yoko content, and then free-standing Yoko material?
It seems to me that, if the demand for Yokorobilia is as strong as you seem to think it is, wouldn't it make sense to divide the product lines up and double your money?
Just saying, Yoko.
Not that you care one whit about making more money off John Lennon's legacy. Oh, no. Ohhh, nooooo, Yoko.