Huck Follywood:
"I wish she had asked "Are you Jimmah? How's year ..."
The ARC of History!:
"[i]Kubrick did a pretty good job of predicting Bri ..."
Beartooth :
"Ermey also played - you guessed it - a Vietnam Era ..."
"Isn't hollow point contrary to the Geneva Conventi ..."
"Althouse is a good indicator for me. I use it as s ..."
"271 Warren Beaty is worse than Oniel.
----------- ..."
">>> It reminds of the stories that came out later ..."
"[i]There is more at play than just Bullet Construc ..."
Aetius451AD work phone:
"Warren Beaty is worse than Oniel. ..."
Anna Puma:
"Posted a few more Halloween images.
https://ten ..."
The ARC of History!:
"[i]The bit where the Minister shows up at the Brit ..."
Aetius451AD work phone:
"Some of the Geneva conventions are just stupid. I ..."