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July 12, 2006
St. Andrew of the Sacred Heart-Ache Hypes Spiritual Power Of Magic Mushrooms
Sometimes I have trouble keeping up. I knew, based on previous dodderings, that Ecstasy was a drug endlessly exalted by "true conservatives" like Andy.
But I didn't know that now 'shrooms were as well. I think Michael Oakshott wrote about a particularly great trip in his famous conservative manifesto, I Slam-Fucked A Radiant Sky-Snake While Strumming Soul-Chords On My Eyeballs.
A "study" -- science! -- informs us that, get this, some people really like drugs:
That experience included such things as a sense of pure awareness and a merging with ultimate reality, a transcendence of time and space, a feeling of sacredness or awe, and deeply felt positive mood like joy, peace and love. People say "they can't possibly put it into words," Griffiths said.
The small-government-loving, Bush-overspending-bashing, true-conservative-principles exhorting Sullivan makes a powerful case for a hard-headed prioritization of the spending of federal money:
Can we please have more research? If mankind's technological potential for destruction is now threatening to upend civilization, surely some research into the pharmacology behind love, peace and joy is worth some federal dollars.
The True Conservativism Of Andrew Sullivan
The government must focus like a laser on ONLY the critical functions of government, to wit, spending tax money on illegal psychadelic drugs as well as on "love, peace, and joy."
Andrew Sullivan does not have a political philosophy. What he has is an eighth-grade-schoolgirl's ever-changing "What's Hot/What's Not" list.
Coming soon: Sullivan proposes spending tax money on the Pet Shop Boys. Sort of a federally-funded MacArthur Genius grant.
This kind of puts his "spirituality" and conflict with the "Catholicist" Pope in context, eh? I guess he's pissed that Ratzinger dwells on all that "Jesus" and "redemption" crap, when he ought to be quoting the Gospel of Timothy Leary: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light, but peyote'll do you nicely in a pinch."
What an insufferable he-bitch of a man-pooter.
"Dan Brown's Sacred Effeminate" suggests calling him "Andi," which I will do henceforth.
If you're gonna talk like a bitch, you're gonna get slapped like a bitch.
Mr. Blonde said that. Or Nice Guy Eddie. I realize they're not as important as Burke, but they are nevertheless important conservative philosophers.
Let's Try That Again, As A Little Test: Just checking something... again.