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July 12, 2006
Deans of Journalism Not Sure If NYT Should Publish Information That Destroys Effective Anti-Terrorist Programs
They say such cases are "close calls," in which case the press should err on the side of incaution and publish anyway.
But -- get this -- they're quite certain that reporting that Valerie Plame sent her husband on a put-up job of fake intelligence mission was completely out of bounds!
SWIFT program, revealing the details CIA's secret air wing: Not sure if national security was damaged or not
Valerie Plame: Definitely should not have reported this, as it damages national security
It's really quite amazing when you think about it.
NRO Demands An Investiagation Into Links: Useful venting. But they might has well demand free high-tubewidth for all.
We now have a rule. The CIA Is permitted to leak highly-sensitive information that cripples our security because they don't like Bush, and the NYT is permitted to publish it.
That's the rule.
It will remain the rule.
Because Bush is, alas, if not quite "unserious" about the War on Terror, not especially serious about it either.