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July 08, 2006
The Kos Kids Are Revolting!
I know, I know. They've always been revolting. But now they're rebelling.
Kinda interesting post by a Kos diarist who admits to feeling scared to write on the issue of Kosola due to the masses of slavering Krazy Kos Kultists ready to defend their man.
And she's got some questions about how Kos makes his endorsement decisions. Why was he so quick to throw Kos Kid Paul Hackett under the bus for evil establishment-blessed Sherrod Brown?
In fairness to Kos himself, he has not, as of yet anyway, deleted the post.
It's a little whiny, though, I think. Like in this update:
If I were not completely against it in a philosophical sense, I would delete this diary right now. As is not unusual, many people have cherry picked issues and portions of the diary, seized upon them and are having a fine time criticising the entire diary on the merits of those portions of it. Which is not surprising, but still hard to take.
Honestly, I regret posting this here at DKos. I don't regret ANYTHING I said in the text or in the comments, but it's fucking exhausting trying to respond to 300 people at once, especially when some of the most vocal and vitriolic commenters are people with whom I have heretofore had good relationships -- and will evidently NOT have good relationships henceforward.
I remember Andrew Sullivan complaining how he was losing audience as he, umm, "evolved" into the "true consevative" he is now (by which I mean "not a conservative"). No one really has any "right" to an audience. You say something your audience doesn't like, and they might just desert you.
It's life. There really is no loyalty in entertainment or news-blogging. People don't have the time to be "loyal." They go to sites they like for their own enjoyment, not out of a sense of obligation. Oh, there's some loyalty, of course, but not an endless supply.
I wouldn't be at all happy if you retards all deserted me, but I hope that, should it happen, I also won't whine about it like Andrew Sullivan did.
"Maryscott" at Kos isn't whining like Sullivan, but, you know, either say what you think or don't, but don't complain that an audience shouldn't react badly to something you say.
The Kos Kids are crazy. They want crazy 24/7/365. Gotta feed the crazy jones.
She knew what she was getting into when she started posting there. And she's one of the Kraziest Kos Kids of them all.
Props for daring to acknowledge the pink elephant in the room, though.
Eh. It's been a big week for crazy. I'm kind of tired of it.
There's something about these internet tubes that warps the mind, I think.
Why More Bloggers Ain't On TV: Maryscott O'Connor, doing her level-best to convince the MSM she is not, in fact, a lunatic.
Allah is shocked that that woman can, in a glam shot, look like this, at least for 1/48th of a second.
Not that she's really super-hot there. But you can really see the difference between a kind camera and an unkind one.
Does this prove the WaPo hates lefty bloggers? Well, I think the MSM hates most bloggers, and yeah, probably hates the lefty bloggers more than the righties, because they don't care about us. They care about the opinions of people like Maryscott, and are hurt by their criticism.
Ours they just ignore. We're beneath them, no-account, not even worth the anger.
Oh: And it occurs to me the WaPo might have treated her like a mental patient because she is, in actuality, a mental patient.
You know what the key to life is?
Not raving like a lunatic.
If you can avoid that, you're halfway there.
(I will lay off the comma-in-fact-comma tic for a little while. And I'll try to avoid calling people insane. As long as they stop freakin' baiting me into calling them crazy.)