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July 07, 2006
Congratulations To The Online Left
For going on thirty years, you've been telling yourselves that you were just too civil and kind and high-minded to win elections or persuade the public.
For thirty years, you've told yourselves if you just got as tough and mean and nasty as the right, you could "win."
Well, take a look at what you've become.
You've imagined the right as engaging in all sorts of vile tactics, and then to prove your "toughness," you've exceeded each and every sin of your imagining.
Look in the mirrors. Do you like what you see?
Did you set out to become a bunch of raving maniacs cursing venomously in the darkness?
If so -- mission accomplished.
I concede. We can't out-hate, out-rage, out-venom, or out-crazy you.
You are, within the rules of the game you've defined, the Ultimate Winners.
Take a bow. Clap each other on the backs.
You should be proud. You've made yourselves into pornographers of hatred, scarcely different from the Aryan Nation-ers that are your dopplegangers.
Prediction: Almost none on the left will take Deb Frisch to task for this.
Instead, they'll pile on "Paste-Eater" for ratting to her boss, accusing him of hypocrisy re: Online Integrity, etc.
Can you really the right blogosphere remaining silent if one of ours went this far over the line?
No, you can't.
But for the left, there is a higher duty than to humanity, and that duty is owed to The Movement.
Blood in, blood out. Solidarity at any cost.
Okay... In Fairness, She's Just Nuts: And someone really ought to see she gets the professional health care she needs:
I am having a tough time remembering the socially acceptable explanation for plane crashes that make it onto the radar of the national news:
JFKJ: .pilot error
TWA800: design flaw
911: al Quada
AA587: pilot error/design flaw
Wellstone: weather
NASCAR dudes: weather
almostDubyaSenior: weather
Olympic dudes: weather
Whew! That's a lot to keep straight, given that I REALLY believe about 0/8 stories.
support our dupes!
Given all the lies propagated by Geedubya Bush, Dick "sharpshooter" Cheney, Condi Rice and the oil industry's other puppets in war$hington, d.c., and given the fact that anyone with a quarter of a brain knows this war was about oil, not "spreddin' freedumb," shouldn't those bumper stickers on the butts of SUV's say "support our dupes?"
Thanks to steven_in_hb. Sort of. I feel sad posting that. Seriously. Not gleeful at posting a lefty saying something stupid or crazy; just depressed at the frailty of the human mind.
This isn't politics; it's paranoid schizophrenia.
I do hope she gets the help she needs. And until then, that she is kept away from the Internet.
Which is polluted enough. I feel dirtier and dirtier reading blogs. It's all pretty dispiriting.