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June 21, 2006
FoxNews Breaking: 500 Chemical Rounds Have Been Recovered In Iraq
"Degraded," meaning old, and including both filled and unfilled rounds; but still-- prohibited, undeclared chemical weapons.
I didn't see the story, but DJ Elliot says he saw it, and I believe him.
OT: Live on FOX
Senator Santorum and Congressman [Hoekstra] just announced that-
Since 2003 coalition forces have recovered 500 Chemical rounds in Iraq.
Degraded Sarin and Mustard filed.
More rounds expected to be found.
Filled and unfilled rounds.
Why is this only being declassified now? I question the timing.
Seriously-- why would this EVER be classified at all? The Iraqis knew what weapons they have; who, precisely, were the intelligence agencies hoping to protect by keeping this secret?
It's as if -- stay with me on this; this is a crazy theory -- there are a lot of liberals in the intelligence agencies who are over-eager to classify, and thus keep secret from the public, any information which might tend to support President Bush.
Is that the standard for classification, now? Not whether exposure of the information would harm the US government, but whether it would help it?
The Russian Devil Theory: The only way I can make sense of classifying such information is if it tended to implicate the Russians in this, and we made a national security determination that it was better to keep it hidden than embarrass our "strategic partners."
Other than that-- no idea. You don't keep secret stuff that your enemies already know. They know they had weapons; they know we've been looking for them; doubtless they know we've found some.
So why classify it? The only people in the dark here are the American public.